As if this conversation wasn't enough to bring me to my knees, I had the opportunity to visit with his reading teacher as well. She began sharing the progress he has made. She said, "In staff meeting I told everyone, that little girl must pray a lot & her prayers must work. Because only God could make this big of a change." What an honor!... That is exactly what I want people to see in this ministry. I want them to see the work that God does. I can't do it without HIM & I am so grateful that there is a school that realizes that with God all things are possible.
Later on in the day one of the other boy's in his class started to pester him & we began to talk about people that pick on us. He said, "Miss Kayla he's always picking on me!" I said, "Well Bub, you need to forgive him." His exact reply was, "I ain't forgiving that fool! He don't treat me right!" I replied, "Was Jesus treated right?" He said, "No... they beat the dog out of Jesus & then they killed him & he still forgave him. That means I gotta forgive him, huh?"... I love conversations like this! It is a true joy to hear children process the story of our Lord & savior & then discover what we have been called to be through HIM.
Lastly, before leaving the school today I was joking with him about how I'm getting old & can't keep up with his quick legs. He said, "Miss Kayla, someday you really will get old & you know what I'm gonna do then? I replied, "What buddy?" He said, "I'm gonna take care of you & make sure you gotta a house & some food 'cause you always take care of me." This conversation absolutely broke my heart! You see? I don't have a choice anymore. GOD placed me in this ministry with children who desperately need HIM. I don't get the option of quitting! If I do what happens to this child? He is just one child in a ministry of many... one child that goes without food, love, & affection... one child that desperately needs to feel loved & know that he's good! Where does he end up in fifteen years if I quit on the calling God placed on my life?
These questions literally haunt me! Because I know the answer to them... he ends up in a gang so that he can somehow belong. And then he ends up in a jail, along with two of his older brothers who went before him. I refuse to allow that to be the case. I will continue to fight for this child every single day because my LORD fought for me! Not only did HE fight for me, but he placed a call on my life... a call to FIGHT for HIS children & I will do so every day until HE calls me HOME!!
I have been ruined for the kingdom of heaven. I no longer have a choice...
Lord- Thank you for the opportunity to be involved in the lives of your children! I cannot put into words what it means to be involved in your kingdom. I am amazed by the work you are doing. Please continue to work through me in spite of my weaknesses. I pray that these children will continue to see you & will want to commit their lives to you forever. You are so good! Please continue to fight for your children.
Ephesians 3:7-"This is my life-work: helping people understand and respond to the gospel of God's grace"